21X Elite Machine UI

I managed the design of the user interface for a top-of-the-line quilting machine. Past interfaces had been restricted to outdated technology and resulted in sub-par user experience. We knew what users wanted in a screen and designed a new layout that still provided all of the powerful functionality, but in a simplified and easy to learn user experience.

Early drafts were made according to user feedback and research.

Paper prototypes were shown to quilters to gather early feedback. Everyone on the design team participated in the early sketching and wireframing of the UI. My final designs were created in Figma.

To keep the layout simple, only the most important controls were prominent on the home screen. Animations were utilized to show when the machine was ready to stitch (something that was hard to tell on past screens and caused some confusion). Less important features and preferences were placed in easy to get to, but out of the way drop-down or pop-up menus.

Some new features required multiple iterations of testing with quilters to make sure that the function would be easy to use. The way the bobbin estimator function works was changed from past versions, and re-designed, resulting in 80% less time to learn the function and an overall increase in user experience.